Hi, I'm Marcus Hamelin, founder and creator of Cosmicron.

Hi, I'm Marcus Hamelin, founder and creator of Cosmicron.

Hi, I’m Marcus Hamelin, founder and creator of Cosmicron. Ever since I was a child, I’ve been fascinated by outer space and the endless possibilities of the universe. I spent hours gazing at the stars, imagining what mystical worlds existed out there. This sense of wonder and curiosity has always driven my creativity.

As I grew older, I discovered just as much beauty and magic in the world around us, especially in nature. I wanted to capture these moments of everyday wonder and share them with others. This inspired me to start drawing whimsical characters and scenes from my imagination.

After sharing some of my art online, I was amazed at how many people connected with the sense of joy and possibility it evoked. This led me to create Cosmicron in 2023 as a way to bring my imaginative visions to life through products that inspire creativity and confidence.

Cosmicron combines my greatest passions - art, storytelling, music, and the natural world. Each product is designed to transport people into realms of inspiration, where they can expand beyond limits and believe in themselves.

I believe we all have an inner spark just waiting to be ignited. With the right inspiration, anyone can achieve their dreams and change the world.

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What I Do

Cosmicron projects

I devote most of my time to imagining, designing, and creating new Cosmicron products that will inspire creativity in people.


Spending time gardening is my favorite way to connect with nature and appreciate the simple wonders of our world.


I love exploring the beautiful wilderness around my home through hiking. Being out in nature, inspires me creatively and energizes me.