The Coming Split of Consciousness: How Compassion Will Divide Us

The Coming Split of Consciousness: How Compassion Will Divide Us

The concept of a “split of consciousness” is a fascinating and thought-provoking idea that has been gaining traction in discussions about the evolution of human society and the collective mindset. This article delves into the profound shift that is slowly occurring, where compassion will become a defining factor that divides individuals and influences the course of our society.

Understanding the Split

The split of consciousness refers to the division of individuals into two distinct groups: those who embody compassion and those who do not. This split is expected to become increasingly evident, leading to a world where caring and uncaring individuals stand out in stark contrast. It’s important to recognize that this division is not imposed from the outside but stems from each person’s internal choices and state of mind.

The Compassion Factor

An intriguing aspect of this split is the “compassion factor.” This is the level of compassion and empathy that an individual exhibits in their thoughts, actions, and interactions with others. While compassion is a free-choice state of mind, it will become a defining characteristic that separates individuals as the split of consciousness unfolds.

The Dark Army

There is mention of a “dark army” that currently exists on our planet. This concept represents individuals who lack compassion and empathy, leading to actions and behaviors that may be detrimental to others and society as a whole. Understanding the compassion factor is crucial in identifying and addressing the presence of this dark army.

The Attributes of the Master

A significant transformation occurs when one embraces the attributes of a “master,” symbolizing a state of heightened consciousness and enlightenment. When an individual embodies compassion, a profound change takes place. They become a beacon of light, surrounded by a protective aura that shields them from the darkness. This transformation is not just metaphorical; it has physical and energetic implications.

The Power of Compassion

Compassion has an undeniable impact on one’s well-being and interactions with the world. When you radiate compassion, you become immune to the negativity and disease that often pervade society. The science behind this phenomenon is fascinating, as compassion generates a protective energy field that repels negativity and fosters a sense of harmony and well-being.

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Society as a Reflection

The transformation brought about by the split of consciousness will soon be reflected in our society. This shift is not a distant future event but is happening now, albeit gradually. As this change becomes more apparent, we’ll witness it in various aspects of our lives, including the way we consume news and engage with the world around us.

Wild Cards on the Horizon

The transformation of consciousness and the emergence of compassion as a guiding force in society will inevitably introduce some “wild cards.” These unexpected events or changes are a natural part of any transformative process. As compassion gains prominence, it will catalyze shifts in various areas, leading to both challenges and opportunities.

Benevolence as a New Energy

Benevolence, the essence of compassion, is heralding a new energy that is reshaping our world. This positive, uplifting energy has the power to unite individuals, foster cooperation, and create a more harmonious and compassionate society. As more people embrace and radiate benevolence, it will amplify the positive impact and accelerate the shift towards a more compassionate world.


The split of consciousness, with compassion as its defining factor, is a phenomenon that is underway, shaping the future of our society and interactions. As we navigate this transformation, it’s essential to recognize the power of compassion, not just as an individual trait but as a collective force that can heal and elevate our world. Embracing compassion, understanding its profound effects, and fostering a compassionate mindset are key steps in contributing to a future where benevolence and empathy unite us.